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Department of History

Dr. Fr. Ephrem Baa, s.j. Assistant Professor
M.A, Ph.D.

Department of History

The Department was established in the year 1944. The two years B.A. pass course programme was started in the year 1947.History, like other disciplines is a growing subject and perspectives and interpretations tend to change with new theories, new methods of analysis, availability of new sources and changing contexts. The last five decades have seen the growth of new areas of historical study such as environment, women, urbanization, population, agrarian system, trade and a host of other areas. It is important therefore, to incorporate the new areas of historical interest in the syllabus.


The department offers a B.A.(Honours) full time programme in History. The three year B.A. History Honours programme commenced in the year 1972. It provides a wide range of ideas and concepts that cut across disciplinary boundaries. The successful completion of three years programme leads to the award of the degree of Bachelors in History (B.A. History Honours). After the implementation of the UGC model CBCS progremme it also offers elective courses in History for the students of other departments. The department also runs a two year PG programme in History(M.A. History). The department sees the M.A. as a natural extension of the undergraduate course and has consequently carefully designed the B.A. syllabus to seamlessly progress into the M.A. programme.